Hello World! Indeed. And Compliments of the Season to you and Happy New 2019. This is a brand new blog. I’m a poet and will be blogging sometimes on poetry, but also on Australian and other history, news and current affairs, matters of general interest. Let’s see what happens, then …
Dan Byrnes is a poet all his life and by now has been through many phases, including, Australian bush poetry, learning more about high-level poetry from around the world, personal disillusionment, becoming a world citizen, a zen sense of life, and much else. He is the author of The Blackheath Connection (an overview of convict transportation from England to North America, then to Australia, 1718-1810). Webmaster. A sometime writer of letters-to-editor. Now increasingly a blogger. See his domain at http://www.danbyrnes.com.au…
Links, other, to The Merchant Networks Project (a long-term follow-up to The Blackheath Connection).